SIMP - Aquaculture

In this scenario we will cover a single Farm with a single Farm Harvest. We will be building a PGA Record based off the Events below. The Master Data for these events can be found above in the Master Data section.

Personally Identifying Data is not required to fill out a SIMP report; contact information can be organization-based. It is GDST's recommendation that non-personally identifying contact information is provided for the farm such as a general position at the farm company to communicate with, a general email for the farm, and the phone number for the farm company that is not a personal phone number.

Required KDEs

In order to fill out a SIMP report for a Aquaculture scenario we will need the following KDEs:

  • PG05.ScientificSpeciesCode - Scientific Name - Pulled from Master Data
  • PG06.CountryCode & PG06.GeographicLocation - Farming Country - Pulled from the Country of Origin in the ILMD data of the Fishing Event
  • PG06.ProcessingStartDate - Harvest Date - Pulled from the Event Time of the Offload Event.
  • PG14.LPCONumber - IFTP Number - Pulled from the Master Data of the Vessel / Party. In this example we will pull it from the Master Data of the Vessel Owning Party.
  • PG19.EntityName - Farm Name - Pulled from the Master Data for Owning Party of the BizLocation of event with the disposition of "entering_commerce".
  • PG19 & PG20 - Farm Address - Pulled from the Master Data for the BizLocation of event with the disposition of "entering_commerce".
  • PG21.IndividualName - Farm Contact Name - Pulled from the Master Data for the BizLocation of the event with the disposition of "entering_commerce".
  • PG21.IndividualTelephone - Farm Contact Email - Pulled from the Master Data for the BizLocation of the event with the disposition of "entering_commerce".
  • PG21.IndividualEmail - Farm Contact Phone - Pulled from the Master Data for the BizLocation of the event with the disposition of "entering_commerce".
  • PG29.CommodityNetQuantity - Product Net Weight - Pulled from the Net Weight recorded for the Product in the Offload Event
  • PG06.ProcessingDescription - Product Form - Pulled from the Product Form of the Master Data of the Offloaded product.that occurs.

There are attributes required by SIMP that are not part of the GDST guidance. Here are recommendations on how these attributes could be recorded in EPCIS in order to meet SIMP requirements.

  • IFTP Number - This can be recorded as an additional attribute either in the Party or Location master data. The recommended CBV attribute is "urn:gdst:iftp".

Master Data

In order to not repeat the master data used with each example, I would like to provide the master data used in the examples below.

"@context": {
"cbvmda": "urn:epcglobal:cbvmda:mda",
"xsd": "",
"gs1": "",
"@vocab": "",
"gdst": ""
"@type": "gs1:Product",
"gtin": "",
"productName": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "Vegetables"
"cbvmda:owning_party": "",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": ""
"@context": {
"cbvmda": "urn:epcglobal:cbvmda:mda",
"xsd": "",
"gs1": "",
"@vocab": "",
"gdst": ""
"@type": "gs1:Product",
"gtin": "",
"productName": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "Vegetarian Salmon Feed"
"cbvmda:owning_party": "",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": ""
"@context": {
"cbvmda": "urn:epcglobal:cbvmda:mda",
"xsd": "",
"gs1": "",
"@vocab": "",
"gdst": ""
"@type": "gs1:Product",
"gtin": "",
"productName": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "Antlatnci Salmon Fry"
"cbvmda:owning_party": "",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": "",
"cbvmda:speciesForFisheryStatisticsPurposesName": [
"Salmo salar"
"cbvmda:speciesForFisheryStatisticsPurposesCode": [
"@context": {
"cbvmda": "urn:epcglobal:cbvmda:mda",
"xsd": "",
"gs1": "",
"@vocab": "",
"gdst": ""
"@type": "gs1:Product",
"gtin": "",
"productName": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "Antlantic Salmon"
"cbvmda:owning_party": "",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": "",
"cbvmda:speciesForFisheryStatisticsPurposesName": [
"Salmo salar"
"cbvmda:speciesForFisheryStatisticsPurposesCode": [
"@context": {
"cbvmda": "urn:epcglobal:cbvmda:mda",
"xsd": "",
"gs1": "",
"@vocab": "",
"gdst": ""
"@type": "gs1:Product",
"gtin": "",
"productName": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "Antlantic Salmon Fillet"
"cbvmda:owning_party": "",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": "",
"cbvmda:speciesForFisheryStatisticsPurposesName": [
"Salmo salar"
"cbvmda:speciesForFisheryStatisticsPurposesCode": [
"@context": {
"cbvmda": "urn:epcglobal:cbvmda:mda",
"xsd": "",
"gs1": "",
"@vocab": "",
"gdst": ""
"@type": "gs1:Organization",
"globalLocationNumber": "",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": "",
"organizationName": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "Bob's Hatchery Co."
"@context": {
"cbvmda": "urn:epcglobal:cbvmda:mda",
"xsd": "",
"gs1": "",
"@vocab": "",
"gdst": ""
"@type": "gs1:Organization",
"globalLocationNumber": "",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": "",
"organizationName": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "Jim's Feeding Co."
"@context": {
"cbvmda": "urn:epcglobal:cbvmda:mda",
"xsd": "",
"gs1": "",
"@vocab": "",
"gdst": ""
"@type": "gs1:Organization",
"globalLocationNumber": "",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": "",
"organizationName": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "Per's Salmon Farm Co."
"@context": {
"cbvmda": "urn:epcglobal:cbvmda:mda",
"xsd": "",
"gs1": "",
"@vocab": "",
"gdst": ""
"@type": "gs1:Organization",
"globalLocationNumber": "",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": "",
"organizationName": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "Fresh Fish Processing Co."
"@context": {
"cbvmda": "urn:epcglobal:cbvmda:mda",
"xsd": "",
"gs1": "",
"@vocab": "",
"gdst": ""
"@type": "gs1:Place",
"globalLocationNumber": "",
"cbvmda:owning_party": "",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": "",
"name": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "Bob's Hatchery"
"email": "",
"address": {
"@type": "gs1:PostalAddress",
"streetAddress": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "123 US Highyway 96"
"addressLocality": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "San Diego"
"addressRegion": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "CA"
"countyCode": "US"
"@context": {
"cbvmda": "urn:epcglobal:cbvmda:mda",
"xsd": "",
"gs1": "",
"@vocab": "",
"gdst": ""
"@type": "gs1:Place",
"globalLocationNumber": "",
"cbvmda:owning_party": "",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": "",
"name": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "Jim's Feedmill"
"email": "",
"address": {
"@type": "gs1:PostalAddress",
"streetAddress": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "981 Main St."
"addressLocality": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "Small Town"
"addressRegion": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "CA"
"countyCode": "US"
"@context": {
"cbvmda": "urn:epcglobal:cbvmda:mda",
"xsd": "",
"gs1": "",
"@vocab": "",
"gdst": ""
"@type": "gs1:Place",
"globalLocationNumber": "",
"cbvmda:owning_party": "",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": "",
"name": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "Per's Salmon Farm"
"email": "",
"address": {
"@type": "gs1:PostalAddress",
"streetAddress": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "456 Walnut Blvd"
"addressLocality": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "Verona"
"addressRegion": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "CA"
"countyCode": "US"
"@context": {
"cbvmda": "urn:epcglobal:cbvmda:mda",
"xsd": "",
"gs1": "",
"@vocab": "",
"gdst": ""
"@type": "gs1:Place",
"globalLocationNumber": "",
"cbvmda:owning_party": "",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": "",
"name": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "Fresh Fish Processing Plant"
"email": "",
"address": {
"@type": "gs1:PostalAddress",
"streetAddress": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "123 Main St."
"addressLocality": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "San Diego"
"addressRegion": [
"@language": "en-US",
"@value": "CA"
"countyCode": "US"

Feed Transformation Event

This event covers how the Feed is created and the ingredients that go into making the feed.

"@context": [
"xsi": ""
"sbdh": ""
"gdst": ""
"type": "EPCISDocument",
"creationDate": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0000000+00:00",
"schemaVersion": "2.0",
"sender": "test",
"receiver": "test",
"instanceIdentifier": "9999",
"epcisBody": {
"eventList": [
"type": "TransformationEvent",
"eventTime": "2020-01-27T20:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"eventTimeZoneOffset": "+00:00",
"eventID": "urn:uuid:54297552-6da9-4252-9592-ac5934a7c4ea",
"inputQuantityList": [
"epcClass": "",
"quantity": 2500.0,
"uom": "KGM"
"outputQuantityList": [
"epcClass": "",
"quantity": 2000.0,
"uom": "KGM"
"bizStep": "commissioning",
"disposition": "active",
"bizLocation": {
"id": ""
"gdst:productOwner": "",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": "",
"extension": {
"ilmd": {
"proteinSource": "Soy",
"certificationList": {
"certification": [
"certificationType": "urn:gdst:certType:chain_custody",
"certificationStandard": "MSC Chain of Custody",
"certificationAgency": "MSC",
"certificationValue": "MSC_COC_1234567890",
"certificationIdentification": "MSC_COC_1234567890"
"certificationType": "urn:gdst:certType:good_practice",
"certificationStandard": "Good Practice Standard Body",
"certificationAgency": "GP Agency",
"certificationValue": "GP_0987654321",
"certificationIdentification": "GP_0987654321"

Hatchery / Broodstock Event

This event covers the creation of the Broodstock that will be used for stocking a pond at an aquaculture facility.

"@context": [
"xsi": ""
"sbdh": ""
"gdst": ""
"type": "EPCISDocument",
"creationDate": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0000000+00:00",
"schemaVersion": "2.0",
"sender": "test",
"receiver": "test",
"instanceIdentifier": "9999",
"epcisBody": {
"eventList": [
"type": "ObjectEvent",
"eventTime": "2020-01-27T02:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"eventTimeZoneOffset": "+00:00",
"eventID": "urn:uuid:3ad56b55-57c4-4067-a9c1-e34cce56c0e5",
"epcList": [],
"action": "ADD",
"bizStep": "urn:gdst:bizstep:hatching",
"disposition": "active",
"bizLocation": {
"id": ""
"quantityList": [
"epcClass": "",
"quantity": 250.0,
"uom": "KGM"
"ilmd": {
"cbvmda:certificationList": {
"certification": [
"gdst:certificationType": "urn:gdst:certType:chain_custody",
"certificationAgency": "MSC",
"certificationStandard": "MSC Chain of Custody",
"certificationValue": "MSC_COC_1234567890",
"certificationIdentification": "MSC_COC_1234567890"
"gdst:certificationType": "urn:gdst:certType:good_practice",
"certificationAgency": "GP Agency",
"certificationStandard": "Good Practice Standard Body",
"certificationValue": "GP_0987654321",
"certificationIdentification": "GP_0987654321"
"gdst:broodstockSources": "domestic",
"cbvmda:harvestStartDate": "2020-01-27T2:00:00Z"
"gdst:productOwner": "",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": ""

Farm Harvest Events

This event covers the harvesting of a product from a pond at an aquaculture event. This is a transformation event where the input is the Broodstock and Feed and the output is the harvested product.

"@context": [
"xsi": ""
"sbdh": ""
"gdst": ""
"type": "EPCISDocument",
"creationDate": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0000000+00:00",
"schemaVersion": "2.0",
"sender": "test",
"receiver": "test",
"instanceIdentifier": "9999",
"epcisBody": {
"eventList": [
"type": "TransformationEvent",
"eventTime": "2020-01-28T20:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"eventTimeZoneOffset": "+00:00",
"eventID": "urn:uuid:15705187-dfd2-4776-8dd9-a8dea3261158",
"inputQuantityList": [
"epcClass": "",
"quantity": 250.0,
"uom": "KGM"
"epcClass": "",
"quantity": 2000.0,
"uom": "KGM"
"outputQuantityList": [
"epcClass": "",
"quantity": 1000.0,
"uom": "KGM"
"bizStep": "commissioning",
"disposition": "active",
"bizLocation": {
"id": ""
"gdst:productOwner": "",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": "",
"extension": {
"ilmd": {
"productionMethodCode": "AQUACULTURE",
"harvestStartDate": "Processed",
"aquacultureMethod": "Soy",
"certificationList": {
"certification": [
"certificationType": "urn:gdst:certType:chain_custody",
"certificationStandard": "MSC Chain of Custody",
"certificationAgency": "MSC",
"certificationValue": "MSC_COC_1234567890",
"certificationIdentification": "MSC_COC_1234567890"
"certificationType": "urn:gdst:certType:good_practice",
"certificationStandard": "Good Practice Standard Body",
"certificationAgency": "GP Agency",
"certificationValue": "GP_0987654321",
"certificationIdentification": "GP_0987654321"

Example Aquaculture SIMP Report

Now that we have the EPCIS data, the PGA Record(s) will look like this:

PG06HBAUS 01282020 NRD
PG19AQF Per's Salmon Farm
456 Walnut Blvd
PG20 Verona
CA US92111
PG21BY Joe Smith +1.999-999-9999
PG29KG 1000

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