In order to help developers implement the CTE/KDE completeness, we have exposed a check API method for checking if a set of GDST traceability data meets all the CTE/KDE requirements specified in the…
Registration. Please reach out to to register. Capability Process. The capability process is an automated process that can be executed by a solution provider to determine if a specif…
Registration. Please reach out to to register. Capability Test. The capability process is an automated process that can be executed by a solution provider to determine if a specific…
Articles about aquaculture seafood events, including mappings, master data, and JSON-LD examples.
11 articles by 1 author
Articles about how the Capability Tool works and how to execute it, inclduing HTTP Request examples and more.
3 articles by 1 author
Articles about how GDST plays into various Certifications in the seafood industry such as MSC and ASC.
1 article by 1 author
Articles about the communication protocol in the GDST technical standard including information about trace-backs, master data, and detailed HTTP request examples.
4 articles by 1 author
Information about how the GDST standard extends the EPCIS 2.0 standard.
7 articles by 1 author
Articles about different types of frequently asked questions that you may encounter when implementing GDST.
General documentation about GDST.
5 articles by 1 author
Information about the open source libraries that can help you implement the GDST standard in your software systems and applications.
Articles that give pre-text to GDST and the documentation.
Information about how GDST fits into various regulations including the EU Catch Certificate and the U.S. SIMP program.
Various resources that can be used to better understand GDST and implement the standard.
Articles about wild seafood events, including mappings, master data, and JSON-LD examples.
13 articles by 1 author
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