GS1 Web Vocab JSON-LD

Master Data in GDST 1.2 must be resolved using the GS1 Digital Link Resolver and returned in the GS1 Web Vocab JSON-LD format. Below are examples of the three core types of master data used in GDST and most traceability and examples of them in the GS1 Web Vocab JSON-LD format.

Product Definitions

Below is an example of a product definition with the GDST KDEs represented in the GS1 Web Vocab format.

"@context": {
"gs1:": "",
"xsd": "",
"cbv": "urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda",
"@vocab": ""
"@type": "gs1:Seafood",
"productName": [
"@value": "Yellowfin Tuna",
"@language": "en"
"gtin": "",
"cbv:informationProvider": "",
"cbv:owning_party": "",
"cbv:tradeItemConditionCode": "WHL",
"cbv:speciesForFisheryStatisticsPurposesCode": [


Below is an example of a location with the GDST KDEs represented in the GS1 Web Vocab format.

"@context": {
"gs1": "",
"cbv": "urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda",
"gdst" : ""
"xsd": "",
"@vocab": ""
"@type": "gs1:Place",
"globalLocationNumber": "",
"name": [
"@value": "Fishing Vessel #1",
"@language": "en"
"cbv:informationProvider": "",
"cbv:owning_party": "",
"cbv:vesselName" : "some vessel",
"cbv:vesselID" : "some_vessel_id",
"gdst:imoNumber" : "some_imo_number",
"cbv:vesselFlagState" : "US",
"cbv:unloadingPort" : "SDPORT",
"gdst:vesselPublicRegistry" : "",
"gdst:satelliteTracking" : "Some Name of a Sattelite tracking authority",
"address": {
"streetAddress": [
"@value": "15814 Blanco Trails Ln",
"@language": "en"
"addressLocality": [
"@value": "Cypress",
"@language": "en"
"addressRegion": [
"@value": "Texas",
"@language": "en"
"countyCode": "840",
"postalCode": "77429",
"@type": "gs1:PostalAddress"

Trading Parties

Below is an example of a trading party with the GDST KDEs represented in the GS1 Web Vocab format.

  • The PGLN of the trading party is recorded under the globalLocationNumber KDE.
  • The @type tells you this is a trading party (gs1:Organization).

"@context": {
"gs1": "",
"cbv": "urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda",
"gdst": "",
"xsd": "",
"@vocab": ""
"@type": "gs1:Organization",
"globalLocationNumber": "",
"cbv:informationProvider": "",
"cbv:owning_party": "",
"gdst:iftp" : "1234567890",
"organizationName": [
"@value": "test",
"@language": "en"
"streetAddress": [
"@value": "15814 blanco trails ln",
"@language": "en"
"addressLocality": [
"@value": "Cypress",
"@language": "en"
"addressRegion": [
"@value": "Texas",
"@language": "en"
"countyCode": "840",
"postalCode": "77429",
"@type": "gs1:PostalAddress"

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