EU Catch Certificate

This section delineates the requirements of the EU Catch Certificate and shows how GDST compliant event data can be utilized to meet the requirements for the EU Catch Certficiate. We start with a review of the GS1 Foundation for Fish Seafood Aquaculture Traceability Guideline which documents required CBV KDEs for meeting the EU Catch Certificate guidelines. The below table is a reference point to this documentation with associated EPCIS XML attributes. To see how each KDE ties to the EU regulations, please see page 53 in the GS1 documentation linked above.

EU Regulations define the ability to specify a number of vessels when the vessels are small enough. GDST compliance requires each Vessel's information and does not allow this so these scenarios will not be covered here.

Required KDEs




This can be derived from the EPC of the Product Instance.


When a GTIN.LotNumber is being used for the EPC, this is easily derivable from the EPC. Otherwise you will need to perform a Trace Back on the EPC until you find the Processing Event where the GTIN.LotNumber is being defined. Generally a Processing (Transformation) will have outputs defined with GTIN.LotNumber that are later packaged into GTIN.SerialNumber EPCs.

Quantity Net Weight

This can be calculated using the quantity and uom properties in the quantityElement found throughout the EPCIS events. If the epcList is used with cases, then you look up the case weight either in the ilmd data or the master data associated with the GTIN of the EPC.

Expiration Date / Best Before Date

This can be found in the ilmd data of the TRANSFORMATION ADD or OBJECT ADD event that created the product. The cbvmda:itemExpirationDate attribute is used to specify this information.

Fishing Vessel GLN

This is the GLN from the bizLocation on the event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent.

Fishing Vessel Name

This can be found in the vesselCatchInformation of the ilmd data under the element cbvmda:vesselName on the event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent. This can also be found in the Master Data of the Fishing Vessel with the attribute id urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#vesselName that can be looked up using the GLN from the bizLocation on the event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent.

Flag State of the Vessel

This can be found in the in the vesselCatchInformation of the ilmd data under the element cbvmda:vesselFlagState on the event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent. This can also be found in the Master Data of the Fishing Vessel with the attribute id urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#vesselFlagState that can be looked up using the GLN from the bizLocation on the event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent.

Production Unit GLN

The GLN or other identifier of the Fishing Vessel that caught the original fish or the GLN of the Aquaculture Facility where the original fish was produced. In the case of wild-caught, this is the GLN of the bizLocation found on the event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent. In the case of farmed, this is the GLN of the bizLocation found on the event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:farmEvent.

Production Unit Name

Either the name of the Fishing Vessel or the Aquaculture Facility where the product was produced, depending on farmed or wild-caught. In the case of wild-caught, you take the GLN of the bizLocation on the event with a business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent and look up the urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#vesselName or urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#name on the Master Data associated with that GLN. In the case of farmed, you take the GLN of the bizLocation on the event with a business step urn:gdst:bizstep:farmEvent and look up the urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#name on the Master Data associated with that GLN.

Fish Species

This can be found in the Master Data of the Product. This Master Data can be located using the GTIN of the Product. In the EPCIS Master Data, this attribute would be speciesForFisheryStatisticsPurposesCode

Scientific Name

This can found in the Master Data of the Product. This Master Data can be located using the GTIN of the Product. In the EPCIS Master Data, this attribute would be speciesForFisheryStatisticsPurposesName.

Commercial Designation

This can found in the Master Data of the Product. This Master Data can be located using the GTIN of the Product. In the EPCIS Master Data, this attribute would be urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda:tradeItemDescription.

Catch Area

This can be found in the in the vesselCatchInformation of the ilmd data on the event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent. This is found in the cbvmda:catchArea attribute.

Catch Certificate ID

This can be found on the certificate with the type urn:gdst:certType:catch_certificate on the on the event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent. In the certificate, the Catch Certificate ID is recorded using the certificationIdentification element.

Catch Date(s)

This can be found by doing a Trace Back on the product and looking at the eventTime on each event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent.

External Vessel ID

This can be found in the in the vesselCatchInformation of the ilmd data under the element cbvmda:vesselID on the event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent. This can also be found in the Master Data of the Fishing Vessel with the attribute id urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#vesselID that can be looked up using the GLN from the bizLocation on the event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent.

Supplier GLN

The supplier would be the Trading Partner supplying the products to the EU. In this case you are looking for the PGLN (party GLN) of the supplier of the products to the EU.

Supplier Name

Given the Supplier (P)GLN, you need to look up the Master Data associated with that PGLN and provide the name. In EPCIS Master Data this would be the urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#name attribute.

Supplier Address

Given the Supplier (P)GLN, you need to look up the Master Data associated with that PGLN and provide the address. In EPCIS Master Data this would be the following attributes: urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#streetAddressOneurn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#streetAddressTwourn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#cityurn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#stateurn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#postalCodeurn:epcglobal:cbv:mda#countryCode

Production Method

This must either be caughtcaught in freshwater, or farmed. This can be indicated through the cbvmda:productionMethodForFishAndSeafoodCode in the vesselCatchInformation on the event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent.

First Freeze Date

This can be indicated in multiple ways. The first way is that on the ilmd data there is a possible attribute that can be expressed called cbvmda:firstFreezeDate that can be used to indicate this. The next way is that the first event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:freezing in the product's direct history, meaning only CTEs that directly occurred to this product following its OBJECT ADD or TRANSFORMATION ADD event.

Storage State Code

This indicates if the product has previously been frozen or not. This can be determined by looking if there is a First Freeze Date. To look for this please see the above KDE.

Fishing Gear Type

This can be found in the in the vesselCatchInformation of the ilmd data on the event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent. This is found in the cbvmda:catchArea attribute.

Fish Presentation Form

This can found in the Master Data of the Product. This Master Data can be located using the GTIN of the Product. In the EPCIS Master Data, this attribute would be urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda:tradeItemConditionCode. Note: The values need to be from the EU codelist annex I - table 1. A list of the codes from the EU regulations document 32011R0404 is listed below.

VAT Number

This information can be found by first finding the PGLN of the destination type="urn:epcglobal:cbv:sdt:owning_party" on the event with the disposition urn:gdst:disposition:entering_commerce. Using this PGLN, you can look up the Master Data for the PGLN, and locate the VAT Number in the additional Party IDs. It would be represented as a child elemnt like so <additionalPartyID partyIDTypeCode="EU_VAT_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER"> in the attribute element <attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda:additionalPartyID">.

National Tax Identification

This information can be found by first finding the PGLN of the destination type="urn:epcglobal:cbv:sdt:owning_party" on the event with the disposition urn:gdst:disposition:entering_commerce. Using this PGLN, you can look up the Master Data for the PGLN, and locate the National Tax Identification in the additional Party IDs. It would be represented as a child elemnt like so <additionalPartyID partyIDTypeCode="NATIONAL_TAX_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER"> in the attribute element <attribute id="urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda:additionalPartyID">.

Conservation Reference Size

This can be found in the in the vesselCatchInformation of the ilmd data on the event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent. This is found in the cbvmda:fishConservationReferenceSizeCode property.

Fish Preservation State

This can found in the Master Data of the Product. This Master Data can be located using the GTIN of the Product. In the EPCIS Master Data, this attribute would be urn:epcglobal:cbv:mda:preservationTechniqueCodeA list of the codes from the EU regulations document 32011R0404 is listed below.

Country of Export

This can be found in the ilmd data of the product under the cbvmda:countryOfExport element. When multiple countries of export are included, the dominant country of export SHALL be included as the first element.

Economic Zone

This can be found in the in the vesselCatchInformation of the ilmd data on the event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent. This is found in the cbvmda:economicZone attribute. When multiple economic zones are included, the dominant economic zone SHALL be included as the first element.


This can be found on the certificate with the type urn:gdst:certType:catch_certificate on the on the event with the business step urn:gdst:bizstep:fishingEvent.

Fish Presentation Codes

These codes were found in Table 1 from the EU Regulations document found here





Cod butterfly (escalado)

HEA with skin on, spine on, tail on



Claws only


ICCAT code

Gilled, gutted, part of head off, fins off



HEA+GUT+TLD+bones off, each fish originates two fillets not joined by any par


Filleted and skinned fillets

FIL+SKI Each fish originates two fillets not joined by any part


Filleted with skin and bones

Filleted with skin and bones on


Filleted skinned with pinbone on

Filleted with skin removed and pinbone on


Gutted headed and tailed



Gutted and gilled

Guts and gills removed


Gutted and headed

Guts and head removed


Gutted liver in

GUT without removing liver parts


Gutted headed and skinned




All guts removed



Heads off


Japanese cut

Transversal cut removing all parts from head to belly


Tailed Japanese cut

Japanese cut with tail removed



Double fillet, HEA, skin+tails+fins ON



Liver only, In case of collective presentation use code LVR-C



Any other presentation (1)


Roe (s)

Roe(s) only in case of collective presentation use code ROE-C


Salted dry

Headed with skin on, spine on, tail on and salted directly


Salted wet light



Salted, gutted and headed



Salted gutted




Skin off






Tails only



Tail off



Tongue only. In case of collective presentation use code TNG-C


Tube only

Tube only (Squid)



No processing



Wings only

Preservation State Codes

These codes were found in Table 2 from the EU Regulations document found here















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