Landing Event

All products harvested from the wild will have a landing event. This event represents the first time that these wild-harvested products reach land. The Business Step urn:gdst:bizstep:landing will be used when recording this event and no disposition is required. The Location for the event should be the GLN of where the products reached land. Most of the time this will be a port of some kind.

It is important that if there is a change of ownership when the products land, then that change of ownership should be recorded in the source and destination list on the event as well as the disposition should be set to urn:gdst:disposition:entering_commerce if this is the first time the products changed ownership.

"@context": [
"xsi": ""
"sbdh": ""
"gdst": ""
"type": "EPCISDocument",
"creationDate": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0000000+00:00",
"schemaVersion": "2.0",
"sender": "test",
"receiver": "test",
"instanceIdentifier": "9999",
"epcisBody": {
"eventList": [
"type": "ObjectEvent",
"eventTime": "2020-01-27T00:00:00.0000000-06:00",
"eventTimeZoneOffset": "+00:00",
"eventID": "urn:uuid:cd876766-754a-4a67-8725-4911de8f92aa",
"epcList": [],
"action": "ADD",
"bizStep": "urn:gdst:bizstep:landing",
"bizLocation": {
"id": ""
"quantityList": [
"epcClass": "",
"quantity": 5000.0,
"uom": "KGM"
"cbvmda:informationProvider": "",
"gdst:certificationList": {
"certification": [
"certificationType": "urn:gdst:certType:landingAuth",
"certificationStandard": "Landing Authority",
"certificationAgency": "Landing Authority",
"certificationValue": "LA_123456789",
"certificationIdentification": "LA_123456789"
"certificationType": "urn:gdst:certType:humanyPolicy",
"certificationStandard": "WHO Human Decency Policy",
"certificationAgency": "WHO",
"certificationValue": "1234567890",
"certificationIdentification": "0987654321"
"cbvmda:unloadingPort": "SDPORT",
"gdst:humanWelfarePolicy": "WHO Human Decency Policy",
"gdst:productOwner": ""

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