Vessel Catch Area

This covers how the Vessel Catch Area is extended by GDST.

This covers how the extended attributes added into the cbvmda:vesselCatchInformation attribute in the ilmd section on Fishing Events.

GPS Availability

This should either be true or false

JSON-LD Example: "gdst:gpsAvailability": true,


This is required to be a valid URN that can be found here.

JSON-LD Example: "gdst:rmfoArea": "urn:gdst:rfmo:ciffa"

Catch Area

Although this is not a KDE extension created by GDST, GDST has created an allowed list of URN values that can be found here.

JSON-LD Example: "cbvmda:catchArea": "urn:gdst:fao:77",

Economic Zone

Although this is not a KDE extension created by GDST, GDST has created an allowed list of URN values that can be found here.

JSON-LD Example:"cbvmda:economicZone": "urn:gdst:eez:USA",

Sub-National Permit Area

This is a free-write field. Anything can go here.

JSON-LD Example: "gdst:subnationalPermitArea": "Los Angeles Fishing Area",

This field can be specified on the Catch Area in the fishing event, or it can be specified in the Master Data of the vessel.

JSON-LD Example: "gdst:vesselPublicRegistry": "",

Unique Vessel Identification / IMO Number

This KDE can be specified on the Catch Area in the fishing event, or it can be specified in the Master Data of the vessel.

JSON-LD Example: "gdst:imoNumber": "IMO.1234567890",

Fishery Improvement Project

This should be the name of the FIP. This is a free-write field.

JSON-LD Example:"gdst:fisheryImprovementProject": "Example Fishery Improvement Project",

Gear Type

Although this is not a KDE extension created by GDST, GDST has created an allowed list of URN values that can be found here.

JSON-LD Example:"cbvmda:fishingGearTypeCode": "urn:gdst:gear:1.2",

Vessel Trip Date

This is the start date of the vessel trip.

JSON-LD Example:"gdst:vesselTripDate": "2020-01-25T00:00:00.0000000-06:00"

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