Processing Event

When a raw materials or products are transformed into a different state or product, the event is recorded a processing event. Processing events are indicated by the business step of commissioning and the type of TransformationEvent. Processing events also include a processing type KDE which indicates what kind of transformation event is taking place. The processing type KDE is a GDST extension that accepts the values GENERAL or CLEANING.

Below is an example of a processing event whose master data defined in the Wild-Caught Master Data article.

See Aggregation vs Commingling vs Processing to learn about the differences between aggregation, commingling, and processing events.
"@context": [
"xsi": ""
"sbdh": ""
"gdst": ""
"type": "EPCISDocument",
"creationDate": "2001-12-17T09:30:47.0000000+00:00",
"schemaVersion": "2.0",
"sender": "test",
"receiver": "test",
"instanceIdentifier": "9999",
"epcisBody": {
"eventList": [
"type": "TransformationEvent",
"eventTime": "2023-01-27T16:00:00.0000000+00:00",
"eventTimeZoneOffset": "+00:00",
"eventID": "urn:uuid:37ffc013-e4b1-4555-b9e7-7dd6b0f98a0e",
"inputQuantityList": [
"epcClass": "",
"quantity": 51650.81131932347,
"uom": "KGM"
"outputQuantityList": [
"epcClass": "",
"quantity": 37455.0,
"uom": "KGM"
"bizStep": "commissioning",
"bizLocation": {
"id": ""
"ilmd": {
"gdst:processingType": "complete",
"cbvmda:countryOfOrigin": "EC",
"cbvmda:certificationList": {
"certification": [
"gdst:certificationType": "urn:gdst:certtype:harvestcoc"
"gdst:certificationType": "urn:gdst:certtype:humanPolicy"
"gdst:productOwner": "",
"gdst:humanWelfarePolicy": "3P Audit",
"cbvmda:informationProvider": ""

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