
  • Identifiers Video can be found at , you can access it with the password “IFTGFTC”
  • EPCIS 2.0 Standard – GS1 EPCIS standard document.
  • EPCIS CBV 2.0 – Common business vocabulary for the EPCIS 1.2 standard. Read the standard before reading this.
  • GDST Standard – GDST Standard document. I highly recommend understanding EPCIS before reading this document.
  • IT Co Mapping Tool – Great tool for mapping your existing data model into the GDST data model and then seeing the exported XML file. You can also import XML files here for some sanity checking. This tool has been retired since the release of GDST 1.2.
  • GS1 Visibility Workbench – Great tool for verifying the syntax of the core EPCIS data.
  • EPCIS 2.0 JSON-LD Schema - Use this JSON-LD schema to validate your JSON.

For Technical Questions and support with GDST, please reach out to

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