Aggregation Event

When multiple physical products are grouped into a single higher-level unit, such as grouping cases onto a pallet, the event is recorded as an aggregation event. Aggregation events are indicated by the type AggregationEvent, the action of add, the business step of packing and the disposition of active.

Below is an example of an aggregation event whose master data is defined in the Aquaculture Master Data article.

See Aggregation vs Commingling vs Processing to learn about the differences between aggregation, commingling, and processing events.
"@context": [
"xsi": ""
"sbdh": ""
"gdst": ""
"type": "EPCISDocument",
"schemaVersion": "2.0",
"sender": "test",
"receiver": "test",
"instanceIdentifier": "9999",
"epcisBody": {
"eventList": [
"type": "AggregationEvent",
"eventID": "urn:uuid:591458db-d96e-4466-a4bd-1a30d625fd41",
"eventTime": "2013-06-08T14:58:56.591Z",
"eventTimeZoneOffset": "+02:00",
"childEPCs": [
"action": "ADD",
"bizStep": "packing",
"disposition": "active",
"readPoint": {"id": ""},
"bizLocation": {"id": ""},
"childQuantityList": [
{"epcClass":"","quantity":10, "uom":"KGM"},

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