Disaggregation Event

When previously aggregated products are separated back into their individual products, such as removing cases from a pallet, the event is recorded as a disaggregation event. Disaggregation events are indicated by the type AggregationEvent, the action delete, the business step unpacking, and the disposition inactive.

Below is an example of a disaggregation event whose master data is defined in the Aquaculture Master Data article.

See Aggregation vs Commingling vs Processing to learn about the differences between aggregation, commingling, and processing events.
"@context": [
"xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance/"
"sbdh": "http://www.unece.org/cefact/namespaces/StandardBusinessDocumentHeader/"
"gdst": "https://traceability-dialogue.org/epcis/"
"type": "EPCISDocument",
"schemaVersion": "2.0",
"sender": "test",
"receiver": "test",
"instanceIdentifier": "9999",
"epcisBody": {
"eventList": [
"type": "AggregationEvent",
"eventID": "urn:uuid:591458db-d96e-4466-a4bd-1a30d625fd41",
"eventTime": "2013-06-08T14:58:56.591Z",
"eventTimeZoneOffset": "+02:00",
"childEPCs": [
"action": "DELETE",
"bizStep": "unpacking",
"disposition": "inactive",
"readPoint": {"id": "urn:gdst:traceability-solution.com:location:loc:d8f9f0b4-a03d-41a3-aa60-b2be0fd9c2f3.farm"},
"bizLocation": {"id": "urn:gdst:traceability-solution.com:location:loc:d8f9f0b4-a03d-41a3-aa60-b2be0fd9c2f3.farm"}


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