Business Steps

This covers all the additional Business Steps added by GDST to cover specific event scenarios in Seafood Traceability.

Business Steps were extended to cover the recording of events not covered in the EPCIS CBV 1.2 standard. These events cover scenarios unique to Seafood Traceability. The business steps are recorded under the namespace urn:gdst:bizstep:.





Products are harvested from the wild.

A fishing vessel catches some Tuna from the ocean.


Products are harvested from an aquaculture facility.

A shrimp farmer harvests shrimp from a pong.


A product harvested from the wild is transferred to a vessel from another vessel before it's landing event.

A Tuna is harvested by a fishing vessel and transferred to a tinger to be carried to shore.


A product harvested in the wild is transferred from a vessel to land for the first time since being harvested.

Tuna is offloaded from a tender to a dock.


A feed is given to a live fish at an aquaculture facility. This is a transformation event with the input being the feed and the output is what is being fed.

A shrimp farmer feeds his shrimp.


A container at an aquaculture facility is stocked with a live species.

A shrimp farmer stocks his pond with shrimp.


A temperature is recorded for seafood products.

A cargo container of frozen shrimp is recorded for the cold chain.


Products are packaged.

A processor packages salmon fillets into cedar planks inside cartons.


Products are put together without their GTIN changing. Only the Lot Number changes.

Caviar collected from several fishermen is collected into a barrel to be processed.


Products are sampled and scientific measurements are recorded as part of the event.

A biological test is performed on salmon and the results of the test are recorded with the event.


Products are frozen.

A Shrimp Processor block freezes a case of shrimp.

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