Gear Types

Different vessels use different gear types depending on the vessel as well as the commodity being harvested from the wild. In general, we have categorized these different gear types into 2 categories, continuous deployment and non-continuous deployment gear type. The GSDT recommended approach is if the gear is deployed for an area larger than a square kilometer then it is a continuous deployement, otherwise it is non-continuous deployment.

Continuous Deployment

These are gear types that are deployed continuously for long periods of time such as trawling. When recording Fishing Events when this gear type is used, it is recommended that a Fishing Event is recorded for each square kilometer that the gear is deployed and products are being harvested.

Non-Continuous Deployement

These are gear types that are deployed in a non-continuous manner, such as hook and line that are deployed for short period of times and then harvested products are collected. It is recommended that a Fishing Event is recorded for each time the gear is deployed.

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